
Exploring with Your Best Friend

Detailed reviews and buyers guides for dog friendly camping, hiking and road tripping. Dogsplorer makes it easy for you to find the right dog-friendly adventuring gear at the best price.

Dog Tent Camping

Let’s face it, camping is a lot of fun. No matter where you live or what your age, you can benefit from being in the great outdoors. But what about your furry friend? Find out more about taking your dog tent camping.

Water Fun with Dogs

Most dogs love being in or around water, especially during hot weather. Surfing, kayaking, retrieval ... your best pal will love to join you! And for those dogs who are a little afraid of getting wet, we have something for you too.

Road trips with Dogs

It can be daunting if you are a dog car ride novice. But a long road trip with your dog might be just what you need! With some clever organization, you can make that road trip with your best friend one to remember

The Best Gear for 'Sploring with Your Dog

We do the research, reviews and comparisons so you don't have to!

When you come to Dogsplorer, you can expect well-researched and helpful information, articles, buyers guides, reviews and  comparisons for Dogsploring gear of all styles and brands. I am a dog loving outdoor enthusiast who loves to research the details and bring you easy to read summaries so you can fully understand the products and make smart buying decisions to save yourself time and money.

How We Compare & Choose

Expert knowledge to help you buy smart

I provide expert knowledge about dog friendly exploring gear and accessories including ratings and data about how products measure up in various categories of performance. I explain what sets a product apart from its competitors, and suggest other comparable products based on price or use.  I’ll also look at product design and what kind of dog a product is targeted towards – so you can make your decision based on what is right for you and your furry friend.  

Buyer Guides To Dogsploring Gear

Our Buyer Guides have been meticulously researched to bring you the best tried and tested products. The guides are designed take the guesswork out of buying more specific dog friendly gear so you can get on with the fun things in life – like dogsploring! 

Where possible, I will personally test the products, along with one (or all) of my favorite four legged friends including Bailey, Kip, Coco, Ziggy and Teddy. These guys range from large to small and old to young so I always have a suitable ‘guinea pig’ for each product.

Top Dog Camping Gear For 2024

Before You Go Dogsploring

Traveling with your dog is getting more and more popular. And with the information and products we can access nowadays, it’s so much easier than ever before!

However there are some things to consider before you head off into the wild yonder that might make your trip way easier.


What mode of transport are you taking?

Dog friendly road trips are lots of fun in themselves! Your dog may even love to hang his head out of a fast moving car window. Or perhaps your pup is new to car travel? Either way, there’s no time like right now to plan a road trip with your dog. 

Plan ahead by taking your dog for some practice car rides. Get him comfortable with his car restraint. Note the things that your dog needs on these trips and add them to a packing list. 

Public transport is a whole other kettle of fish! Each mode of public transport has its own regulations. Make yourself familiar with these before embarking on your journey. 

Tip: Don’t forget to note the time between doggie bathroom breaks – this is super important no matter what kind of transportation you choose.


Where will you sleep?

Are you camping with your dog? Staying in pet friendly accommodation? It’s important to think about the kind of bedding you’ll both need.

Traveling with your dog can be tiring so restful nights are high on the priority list!


Does your pooch have special needs? 

An up to date vet check and a well thought out packing list will go a long way to making your trip smooth sailing. A dedicated dog travel bag is a great idea to keep all of your dog’s essentials in one place.


Where/what will your eat?

It wont be long until you and your dog are famished and need a quick snack to stave off hunger. Be prepared with transportable dog treats and make a plan for your own meals and snacks.


Is your dog well trained?

A disobedient dog can turn the best dog friendly travel plans into a wolfing nightmare! All the trip planning in the world isn’t going to help when you lose your dog in the wilderness or he barks all night long. Take the time to implement some basic training with your dog such as crate training and leash walking. The benefits will be enormous and make your trip way more fun!

exploring with dogs

About Jenni – Chief Dogsplorer


Jenni dogsplorer


I’m so glad to see you here at Dogsplorer 🙂 

This is me with my very first dog Bailey. She’s been the inspiration to include my dogs in my outdoor adventures – it’s so much more fun!

There’s nothing I’d rather do than get out and explore the world. But I want to do it with my dogs!

I’ve taken my dogs with me on long road trips, tent camping in our beautiful Parks and my personal favorite – to the beach for some splashing good fun.. 

I’d have to say that I’m kind of an expert in dog friendlyexploring. There have been many a time that I’ve made the wrong choice when buying dog gear or forgotten to bring something super important for my dog.

My mission is save you from those same mistakes and help you to plan and execute your next awesome dogsploring adventure.

Have a blast!

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